Preston So

Throughout Drupal's history, contributors have rallied around as the single source of truth for both the code running Drupal and the infrastructure powering Drupal's issue queues, source control, and automated testing. As the Drupal Association continues on its journey to integrate GitLab features with, we're beginning to see the first glimpses of how Drupal contribution and issue management will evolve thanks to cutting-edge functionality like merge requests and issue forks in GitLab.

Preston So

After four-and-a-half years of development, Drupal 9 was just released, a milestone in the evolution of the Drupal content management system. The Drupal Association has long played a critical role not only in supporting the advancement and releases of one of the world's largest and most active open-source software projects; it also contributes to the Drupal roadmap and drives its forward momentum in other important ways.