Lynette Miles

Drupal Performance and Development

In this installment of our 20 years of Drupal series, David joins Tag1 Managing Director Michael Meyers to talk about his experience in making contributions - not just upfront contributions like Bakery, but the ones he considers even more important - the behind the scenes performance enhancements and integrations that have helped make Drupal what it is today.

Lynette Miles

Tag1 continues its series celebrating 20 Years of Drupal in this Tag1 Team Talk with Pantheon’s Senior Manager of Strategic Partnerships, James Rutherford. Before moving to Pantheon, James was a long time member of Mediacurrent, one of the largest agencies working with and creating Drupal websites. James joins Tag1 Managing Director Michael Meyers for another trip down the halls of Drupal history, from early versions of Drupal, to today’s highly experienced agencies...

Lynette Miles

Drupal has had many, many contributors over its 20 years of existence. These contributors vary from the person answering questions here and there in IRC/Slack and the issue queues, to people who run agencies and hosting companies aimed at keeping Drupal in the public eye. Drupal’s continued success relies on all types of people to keep the drop moving. In this Tag1 Team Talk, we continue to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Drupal. Tag1 Managing...

Lynette Miles

In this second part of our team talk series on live load testing with Goose, we focus on demonstrating load testing using a Gaggle. A Gaggle is a distributed load test running Goose from one or more servers. Here, we’re testing with 20,000 users using ten Workers and a Manager process on services spun up using Terraform.

Lynette Miles

Goose is the highly scalable load testing framework preferred by Tag1. In this series of Team Talks on Goose, we’ll take a look at how Goose scales on a single server, while distributed, and CEO Jeremy Andrews, VP of Software Engineering Fabian Franz, and Managing Director Michael Meyers walk through a demonstration of Goose load testing.