Lynette Miles

Vice President of Software Engineering Fabian Franz, is another of Tag1 Consulting’s long time contributors to Drupal. Fabian is a core committer, helped bring Twig into Drupal Core, and helped develop and is a maintainer of Drupal’s caching system. In this Tag1 Team Talk, Managing Director Michael Meyers caught up with Fabian to talk about Fabian’s time in the community, what he’s most passionate about and proud of, and how he got to where he...

Preston So

In this multi-part blog series that covers Fabian's session in detail from start to finish, we summarize some of the key ideas that could promise an exciting vision not only for the front-end developer experience of Drupal but also for the user experience all Drupal developers have to offer their customers. In this fifth installment in the series, we continue our analysis of some of the previous solutions we examined and consider some of the...

Preston So

A debate has been ongoing for several years about how Drupal's front end can compete against the primacy of JavaScript frameworks that are rapidly gaining steam in the wider web development community. In this multi-part blog series, we review the most important concepts behind this potential future for Drupal's front end, including Web Components, virtual DOMs, and what Drupal can learn from other ecosystems. In this second installment in the series, we examine how Drupal's...

Preston So

The question of where Drupal's front end is headed has led to much handwringing in the community, with a variety of ongoing discussions about whether decoupled Drupal is the future for Drupal's presentation layer. Out of all the debates in the community, few have engendered as much consternation and spilled ink as how, when, and whether to replace or augment Twig's functionality as the default theme engine for Drupal.