Preston So

In the PHP landscape, perhaps no framework has made as daring of decisions and as innovative of choices as Laravel, the PHP ecosystem that has long not been afforded the spotlight offered readily to CMS ecosystems like Drupal and WordPress and the lower-level Symfony. Laravel has displayed some unconventional directions, including adopting Vue.js as its JavaScript framework of choice and eschewing some of the common features available in other web frameworks. Fortunately, with the rich...

Greg Lund-Chaix

Recently, we were working with one of our clients to diagnose high load on their web servers. We traced the cause of the load to an opcache_reset() call used after code deploys as a way of preventing the PHP OpCache from overfilling as new code was deployed to the servers. The issue was due to (and resolved by)bug #72590, but troubleshooting the problem prompted us to look at ways to non-intrusively restart PHP-FPM. While it...

Károly Négyesi

While coding the MongoDB integration for Drupal 8 I hit a wall first with the InstallerKernel which was easy to remedy with a simple core patch but then a similar problem occurred with the TestRunnerKernel and that one is not so simple to fix: these things were not made with extensibility in mind. You might hit some other walls -- the code below is not MongoDB specific. But note how unusual this is: you won’t...

Rudy Grigar

I have created a centos/rhel Yum repository for x86_64 architectures containing all of the necessary packages for using HipHop . It depends on the EPEL and IUS repositories. All of the packages are tracked in a GitHub project , and are hosted in a Yum repository at . I recommend installing the repository and hiphop and giving it all a try. Follow the instructions provided in the README on GitHub to get started. Any...

Jeremy Andrews

Tag1 Consulting is focused on improving Drupal's performance and scalability. We also believe that when information is freely shared, everyone wins. Toward these ends, we are working on an online book titled, " Drupal Performance and Scalability ". The book is divided into five main sections, Drupal Performance , Front End Performance , Improved Caching and Searching , Optimizing the Database Layer , and Drupal In The Cloud . The book is primarily aimed toward...