If you have recently visited Drupal.org, you may have noticed a new footer that says “Infrastructure management for Drupal.org provided by <Tag1>”. We are honored and grateful that the Drupal Association (DA) added this acknowledgement to recognize the financial and resource contributions that Tag1 Consulting has made and continues to make to the DA and the Drupal Community. Here are just a few examples:
Dedicated Resources to Infrastructure Support
Tag1 helped create the Drupal.org infrastructure and has been part of managing it, along with all the tools that enable the community to build Drupal, for well over a decade. We currently donate a full-time senior infrastructure engineer to the Drupal Association to help support and run the infrastructure - Narayan Newton, partner and CTO of Tag1, has been the Drupal.org Server Administrator, and a permanent member of the Drupal Association as their Systems Coordinator, and is a member of the Drupal.org infrastructure team.
Project Leadership
Tag1 has been instrumental across a wide range of projects for the Drupal Association as well. For example, Tag1 helped lead the conversion from CVS to Git in 2011 and had been a major part of the recent move of Drupal code to GitLab. We also help manage the auto-scaling infrastructure of the Automated Quality Assurance and Testing Platform that tests every commit to Drupal.org. These DrupalCI test bots run over 10 concurrent years of testing in a single year and ensures Drupal works for you! Additionally, Tag1 is responsible for a number of improvements in the scaling and performance of Drupal.org and has been a key driver in hardening the site against aggressive bots and full on Denial-of-Service attacks.
Financial Support
In addition to donating resources, Tag1 also contributes financially to the Drupal Associations efforts. Tag1 is a Premiere supporter of the DrupalCares effort, helping to sustain the Drupal Association and its work during the COVID-19 pandemic, and continued its Premier-level sponsorship when DrupalCon was forced to go virtual and sponsors no longer had the benefit of the usual vendor hall booths and potential revenue.
Marketing Support
Too often, when people think of the DA, they think only of DrupalCon. DrupalCon is amazing, but the DA does so much more for the community (like providing the infrastructure and tooling that enable us to build Drupal). It’s important to raise awareness of all the wonderful things the DA does for Drupal, and to engage more organizations in funding and supporting the Drupal project. Tag1 is working to help get the word out and build support for the many critical things the DA does. For example we recently worked on a podcast / vlog series to highlight the technical achievements and support the DA provides the Drupal project and community. Check out this Tag1 Team Talk episode where Tag1’s Narayan Newton, Tim Lehnen and Neil Drumm, discuss some of the changes and challenges that went with the release of Drupal 9.
How You Can Help
If you power your business through Drupal, please follow our lead and support the Drupal Association through financial and resource contributions and consider becoming an Individual member or a Supporting partner. Not only will this add value for the whole community, but your investment will pay dividends and greatly benefit your company, too! Please consider donating Drupal’s continued success furthers the success of every contributor to the project.
Related content:
The Drupal Association is the Drupal DNA giving Life to our Code & Community - Tag1 TeamTalk #014
The story of Drupal 9's release from the inside with the Drupal Association - Tag1 TeamTalk #018