Tag1 Consulting is sponsoring my work on Drupal.org Infrastructure. What this means is that instead of working on drupal.org whenever I can, I get to spend 20 paid hours per week on drupal.org infrastructure. In return for this, I have agreed to write a blog entry per month describing some of my work in detail. These will be entries covering security, performance, high-availability configuration and anything else interesting in my work on drupal.org. Hopefully these will be useful.

I look forward to spending more time securing and improving the performance of drupal.org and would like to thank everyone at Tag1 and our clients for this opportunity.

About Narayan Newton
Narayan is a co-owner of Tag1 Consulting, who joined the team in 2008. He was introduced to Drupal during his tenure at the Oregon State University Open Source Lab where he was the co-lead system administrator, and served as their Database Administrator of over 180 MySQL databases, the Freenode Server administrator, and the Drupal.org Server Administrator. He is a permanent member of the Drupal Association as their Systems Coordinator, and is a member of the Drupal.org infrastructure team. He is also a co-maintainer of the Pressflow high performance Drupal distribution.

Outside of Drupal, Narayan has been deeply involved in the FreeBSD, Gentoo and Slackware communities. He was a contributing editor and system administrator of a popular Linux community website. As a Google Summer of Code student he developed the KDE front-end to the SUSE System Update server, and became a KDE core committer in 2007. He also ported and updated the XML-RPC system to KDE3 and KDE4.

More recently, he acted as infrastructure lead for the examiner.com 2.0 re-launch and infrastructure lead for the drupal.org redesign launch. Narayan is currently Chief Technology Officer at Tag1 Consulting.

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