Melissa Anderson

Behavior Driven Development
I was drawn to Behavior Driven Development the moment I was pointed toward Behat not just for the automation but because it systematized and gave me a vocabulary for some things I already did pretty well. It let me teach some of those skills instead of just using them. At DrupalCon Amsterdam, Behat and Mink architect Konstantin Kudryashov gave a whole new dimension to that. His presentation, Doing Behaviour-Driven Development with Behat, was a straightforward...

Melissa Anderson

Behat Testing
It can be incredibly helpful when you're troubleshooting Behat tests to watch the tests execute. It's fairly straightforward to install Selenium locally and watch @javascript tests execute in your browser of choice, a bit more challenging remotely. Here's how I set up to do that on a remote Ubuntu 14.04 server.

Melissa Anderson

Behat Testing
I was writing documentation for using VNC to watch Behat tests being executed with the selenium2 driver on a remote server, when I ran into a strange behavior. I'd set up Behat 3 on my desktop and was successfully running Selenium Server 2.42.2 with Firefox 31. After following the same setup process I'd used locally on a clean Digital Ocean VM, the Behat tests wouldn't run.