Lynette Miles

Automated deployment of software - whether it’s new packages, patches, or configuration changes - is a fact of life in modern software development and management. Automated infrastructure, however, is a newer set of tools and processes. With Amazon EKS and Pulumi, Tag1 is tackling these challenges to meet the needs of Fortune 500 customers.

Lynette Miles

Today’s business reality is nearly every company needs at least one website in order to be successful in their business. As organizations get larger, the number of websites companies need also increases. From Human Resources, to sales support, to customer service and support, different groups in your organization may have some similar needs, but different access levels. Making these websites turnkey can reduce the amount of time your IT or devops teams need to spend...

Preston So

In recent years, it seems as if open source has taken the software world by storm. Nonetheless, many enterprise organizations remain hesitant to adopt open-source technologies, whether due to vendor lock-in or a preference for proprietary solutions. But open source can in fact yield substantial fruit when it comes to advancing your business in today’s highly competitive landscape. By leveraging and contributing back to open source, you can distinguish your business with open source as...

Preston So

Open source as a concept has been on the radar of the software community for many years now, but in many ways it is only just starting to gain steam among the enterprise organizations and business leaders that are seeking new ways to ensure the longevity of the solutions and architectures they build. At its core, open source is about more than just software; it’s about the community that surrounds it. Leveraging and contributing back...

Preston So

One of the most formidable challenges of implementing any large-scale enterprise website is the choice of a framework that will ensure both high performance and long-term maintainability. Tag1 recently chose Laravel to serve the needs of a customer that is a national organization providing for millions of users and hundreds of affiliate chapters across the United States. Laravel was selected not only because of its favorable developer experience and ability to simplify business logic but...

Preston So

In the PHP landscape, perhaps no framework has made as daring of decisions and as innovative of choices as Laravel, the PHP ecosystem that has long not been afforded the spotlight offered readily to CMS ecosystems like Drupal and WordPress and the lower-level Symfony. Laravel has displayed some unconventional directions, including adopting Vue.js as its JavaScript framework of choice and eschewing some of the common features available in other web frameworks. Fortunately, with the rich...