Lynette Miles

As the global coronavirus pandemic makes the year mark, more and more people are adjusting to the realities of long term work from home. Some companies have found their employees are just as, or more productive than they were coming into the office every day. CNN10 talked with Twitter’s Chief HR officer, Jennifer Christie, who said 80% of employees were in the office 4-5 days a week before the pandemic, and that’s flipped in the...

Preston So

Core Confidential #3.2

Part 1 | Part 2 Drupal is notorious for its "everyone has a voice" approach to open-source development, but it isn't easy to reach consensus across thousands of people with different backgrounds and opinions. In addition, Drupal has witnessed countless paradigm shifts in its lengthy history, both in the surrounding world of web development and in its internal workings. As Drupal has grown to power over two percent of the websites on the...

Preston So

Tag1 TeamTalk #025-26:

These days more than ever, it's essential to have an experienced project manager on challenging projects, to manage remote teams with deep care, and to leverage best-of-class tools and best practices to shepherd the work of an agile development team.

Preston So

Tag1 TeamTalk #023 - 24:

Among other things, the ongoing pandemic has ripped open the former fabric of our work lives, decentralizing and distributing our collaboration in newfound ways. Project management for agile software development teams is a mission that serves the dual purpose of efficiently producing good software and empowering the humans behind any product.