Preston So

Embracing open source:

In recent years, it seems as if open source has taken the software world by storm. Nonetheless, many enterprise organizations remain hesitant to adopt open-source technologies, whether due to vendor lock-in or a preference for proprietary solutions. But open source can in fact yield substantial fruit when it comes to advancing your business in today’s highly competitive landscape. By leveraging and contributing back to open source, you can distinguish your business with open source as...

Preston So

Embracing open source:

Open source as a concept has been on the radar of the software community for many years now, but in many ways it is only just starting to gain steam among the enterprise organizations and business leaders that are seeking new ways to ensure the longevity of the solutions and architectures they build. At its core, open source is about more than just software; it’s about the community that surrounds it. Leveraging and contributing back...

Preston So

Peer-to-peer collaborative editing is one of the most fascinating frontiers of editorial collaboration in our industry. As a longstanding requirement with formidable technical challenges, enabling collaborative editing in a decentralized fashion has been a dream for many years. However, with the advent of emerging technologies in the real-time collaboration space, most notably Yjs and WebRTC, the possibilities for peer-to-peer editing are not only realistic but compelling for a wide range of ecosystems. With the help...

Preston So

Among all of the components commonly found in content management systems (CMSs) and typical editorial workflows, the rich text editor is perhaps the one that occupies the least amount of space but presents the most headaches due to its unique place in content architectures. From humble beginnings in discussion forums and the early days of the web and word processing, the rich text editor has since evolved into a diverse range of technologies that support...