Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-To: #16

So far we have migrated three entity types: content types, taxonomy vocabularies, and paragraphs. It is very common that fields are attached to those, and other entities, to collect and display data. Field migrations can be tricky. For one, it is a multi-step process that requires, at a minimum, four different migrations.

Mariano Crivello


Drupal’s Layout Builder feature has established a critical content creation and display framework in the four years since its integration into Core. Replacing older, more complex tools like Panels and Display Suite, this integration marked a significant shift towards a more user-friendly, native layout-building experience. Better yet, unlike other JavaScript-based content layout tools, LayoutBuilder retains support for Drupal’s more powerful features like views, accessibility, and multilingual, to name just a few. Despite...

Phoenix Heller

Join our experts in person at DrupalCon Prague 2022 - Sept 20-23, 2022 - for three talks, and a workshop! Janez Urevc and Fabian Franz along with Google’s Andrey Lipattsev will present how our collaboration with Google is making the web faster, and how Google’s Web Vitals initiative supports better user website experiences. Look for our presentation, Core Web Vitals: Improving the End User Experience of Drupal. Gain a plethora of new tools to make...