Lynette Miles

Tag1 TeamTalk #027.3

In part 3 of our Tag 1 Team talks about documentation as code: linting for prose, we demonstrate the Vale linter in action. This open-source linter for prose is highly customizable, making it possible for writers with little coding experience or developers with little writing experience to start testing their work.

Lynette Miles

Tag1 TeamTalk #027.2

One well-known type of tool in the software world, but less so in the writing world is the linter. Software developers often consider their linters to be invaluable in catching or preventing errors, as well as enforcing defined stylistic guidelines before errors get out in front of the world.

Lynette Miles

Tag1 TeamTalk #027.1

Documentation is a critical part of any customer-facing product or service. Without it, your customers need hand-holding, your support staff struggles to help your users, and your company spends money on unhappy customers instead of creating new products.