Preston So

How to perform robust unit testing and functional testing

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Testing is becoming an essential keyword and toolkit for developers and development teams who seek to architect and implement successful and performant websites. Thanks to the unprecedented growth in automated testing tools and continuous integration (CI) solutions for all manner of web projects, testing is now table stakes for any implementation. That said, many developers find automated...

Preston So

How to foster a test-oriented development culture with code checks

Automated tests are rapidly becoming a prerequisite for successful web projects, owing to the proliferation of automated testing tools and an explosion of continuous integration (CI) services that ensure the success of web implementations. Nonetheless, for many developers who are new to the space, automated testing can be an intimidating and altogether novel area that causes more than a few groans at weekly meetings. Luckily, with the right development culture and testing infrastructure in place...