Preston So

Research shows that if your application introduces latency of even a few milliseconds, your business revenue can suffer immensely. At Tag1, we often have clients approach us with concerns about high traffic. Load testing and performance tuning often elicit groans from architects and developers more interested in building features, but it is a critical step in the process to ensuring your web application can operate at scale under heavy load. Though other load testing ecosystems...

Preston So

Though the biggest news this month is the release of Drupal 9, that doesn't mean big releases aren't happening on other versions of Drupal too. The milestone represented by Drupal 9 also welcomes new versions of both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 to the Drupal ecosystem. It's been four-and-a-half years since Drupal 8 was released, and 54 months of development from scores of contributors around the world went into Drupal 9. And thanks to the...

Preston So

ReasonML is a functional programming language that has built-in React support, JavaScript-like syntax, and a highly efficient toolchain optimized for code management and compilation. With seamless interoperability with existing JavaScript and originally written by Facebook, ReasonML is quickly becoming a language of choice not only for functional programming enthusiasts well-versed in OCaml but also for React architects and developers who need better state handling and more robust typing. Already leveraged by mission-critical applications at organizations...

Preston So

What is the day-to-day life of a Drupal core committer like? Besides squashing bugs and shepherding the Drupal project, the maintainers responsible for Drupal core are also constantly thinking of ways to improve the developer experience and upgrade process for novice and veteran Drupal users alike.

Preston So

Drupal is one of the largest and most active open-source projects in the world, and the Drupal Association is responsible for enabling it to thrive by creating and maintaining tooling and other projects that keep Drupal humming.

Preston So

One of the most formidable challenges of implementing any large-scale enterprise website is the choice of a framework that will ensure both high performance and long-term maintainability. Tag1 recently chose Laravel to serve the needs of a customer that is a national organization providing for millions of users and hundreds of affiliate chapters across the United States. Laravel was selected not only because of its favorable developer experience and ability to simplify business logic but...

Preston So

In the PHP landscape, perhaps no framework has made as daring of decisions and as innovative of choices as Laravel, the PHP ecosystem that has long not been afforded the spotlight offered readily to CMS ecosystems like Drupal and WordPress and the lower-level Symfony. Laravel has displayed some unconventional directions, including adopting Vue.js as its JavaScript framework of choice and eschewing some of the common features available in other web frameworks. Fortunately, with the rich...