Preston So

Part 1 | Part 2 Drupal is notorious for its "everyone has a voice" approach to open-source development, but it isn't easy to reach consensus across thousands of people with different backgrounds and opinions. In addition, Drupal has witnessed countless paradigm shifts in its lengthy history, both in the surrounding world of web development and in its internal workings. As Drupal has grown to power over two percent of the websites on the...

Preston So

Drupal has undergone a huge amount of innovation as of late, and the latest versions of Drupal portend an amazing future ahead for our community and ecosystem. But what happens when official community support for older versions, especially Drupal 7, ends? After all, Drupal 7 is among the most widely adopted versions of Drupal in the CMS's entire history, and it continues to have enduring staying power in the Drupal universe. Fortunately, Tag1 Consulting is...

Preston So

What is the day-to-day life of a Drupal core committer like? Besides squashing bugs and shepherding the Drupal project, the maintainers responsible for Drupal core are also constantly thinking of ways to improve the developer experience and upgrade process for novice and veteran Drupal users alike.