Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #26

In this article, we start implementing content model changes. Namely, we’ll migrate Drupal 7 nodes as Drupal 10 user and taxonomy term entities.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #22

In the previous article, we learned to apply Drupal recipes to add configuration to our Drupal 10 site. In this article, we will continue this process to bring in more configuration related to text formats and editors, user roles, and user fields.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #21

We executed the last field-related migrations in the previous article, but we are not done with field configuration yet! Back in article 17, we used the Migrate Skip Fields module to prevent the automatic migration from importing image and YouTube fields. Today, we will use Drupal recipes to create media types and manually add media reference fields where needed.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-To: # 19

Today, we're building on our previous work with field widget settings. We will cover migrating view modes, a prerequisite for migrating field groups and field formatter settings. We’ll then walk through migrating field groups. Field formatter settings will be addressed in our next article.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-To: #18

Today, we continue with the next field-related migration: widgets. While doing so, we will find out that new migrations might uncover issues or misconfigurations with already executed migrations.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #17

In this article, we delve into the process of migrating Drupal fields, building on the knowledge from previous discussions about Drupal fields and their database structures. We begin by addressing the two key components of field migrations: storage and instance settings. This is the first step in a multi-stage migration process that will ultimately involve four different migrations.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #15

In the previous article, we began migrating configuration from Drupal 7 example site to our Drupal 10 instance, specifically content types. In today's article, we will continue with two more D7 entities: taxonomy vocabularies and field collections. The latter will be imported as Paragraphs in Drupal 10. Along the way, we will review the content model and the migration plan. This will help us determine what parts of the migration should be automated and what...

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-to: #13

Our last article explored the syntax and structure of migration files. Today, we are diving deeper into the most important part of a migration: the process pipeline. This determines how source data will be processed and transformed to match the expected destination structure. We will learn how to configure and chain process plugins, how to set subfields and deltas for multi-value fields, and to work with source constants and pseudo-fields.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-to: #12

In the previous article, we saw what a migration file looks like. We made some changes without going too deep into explaining the syntax or structure of the file. Today, we are exploring the language in which migration files are written and the different sections it contains.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-to: #10

In the previous article we performed an automated migration via the administration interface with tools provided by Drupal core out of the box. This gave us the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the different modules that assist with the task, settings that affect the migration, and the results when there are no customizations in place.