Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #24

After discussing how to avoid entity ID conflicts in the previous article, we are finally ready to start migrating content. The first entity we will focus on is files, covering both public and private file migrations. We will share tips and hacks related to performance optimizations and discuss how to handle files hosted outside of Drupal.

Janez Urevc

Drupal Migration Series

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 --- In the second episode of our three-part series on the ETL Migration process, we delve into the most involved stage of Drupal migration: Transformation. This episode features insights from Tag1 Consulting’s experts, including Mike Ryan, co-creator of Drupal Migrate, and notable contributor Benji Fisher. They analyze the Transformation phase in the ETL process, specifically examining Drupal’s unique “row-by-row” approach, and the discussion...