Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-To: #23

Previously, we wrapped up migrating configuration to match the content model we specified in our upgrade plan. Ready to start migrating content? Hang in there — it’s coming up next. But first, let's address one of the hardest issues to resolve when they arise - entity ID conflicts in content migrations.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #22

In the previous article, we learned to apply Drupal recipes to add configuration to our Drupal 10 site. In this article, we will continue this process to bring in more configuration related to text formats and editors, user roles, and user fields.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-to: #14

This step-by-step series has covered a lot of ground on planning and preparing for a Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 migration. Today, we start putting that knowledge into practice by automatically migrating content types. First, we will execute a migration to pull all content types in Drupal 7. Then, we will customize the migration to remove unnecessary content types. Finally, we will learn how a separate node title label migration also affects content type configuration...