Narayan Newton

I recently joined Tag1 Consulting full time. My main project since I joined was building up our monitoring infrastructure. My personal goal being world domination, but first the best monitoring system I can build. Baby steps. For quite awhile now, I've used the monitoring system we built at the Open Source Lab to detect and diagnose problems with,, and many more Free Software projects hosted at the lab. These experiences convinced...

Narayan Newton

Until recently, I was a student employee at the Oregon State University Open Source Lab. My career there ended, like many, with that painful process known as graduation. I got invaluable experience at the lab, not the least of which being the knowledge gained as their main (only) database administrator. One of my great pleasures in that position, was learning how to configure MySQL replication and manage clusters of replicating database servers. Even the simple...

Jeremy Andrews

I have completed a rough draft of the first chapter of " Drupal Performance and Scalability ". The first chapter of this online book is divided into four sections, the first of which focuses on the importance of fully defining your performance and scalability goals, helping you to identify what you need to accomplish and how to set concrete and attainable goals. The second section discusses monitoring and measuring your ongoing progress, helping you decide...

Jeremy Andrews

Tag1 Consulting is focused on improving Drupal's performance and scalability. We also believe that when information is freely shared, everyone wins. Toward these ends, we are working on an online book titled, " Drupal Performance and Scalability ". The book is divided into five main sections, Drupal Performance , Front End Performance , Improved Caching and Searching , Optimizing the Database Layer , and Drupal In The Cloud . The book is primarily aimed toward...

Jeremy Andrews

SearchBench has received a couple of useful updates since yesterday's initial cloud tests. It can generate search queries based on actual content, and it can export search benchmark results. In gaining these features, it is now possible to use SearchBench to perform some actual performance comparisons. Once again I set up these tests on an extra large EC2 instance. I still have not performed any tuning, and I continue to test Drupal 5 core search...

Jeremy Andrews

I ran some initial Drupal search benchmarks with SearchBench on Amazon's EC2 cloud service. These first tests were primarily focused on confirming that SearchBench and EC2 are a good match. They utilized a single server instance, and did not include any server tuning. I used the devel module to create 5,000 random nodes and 10,000 random comments. I indexed this content both with Drupal's core search module, and with the contributed Xapian module. I then...

Jeremy Andrews

There have been some ongoing scalability issues affecting's built in search functionality for some time now. Less interested in outsourcing search to a big black box such as Google, I spent some time helping clean up the Xapian module , making it possible to completely replace Drupal's built in SQL-powered search functionality with a Xapian powered engine. With the basic search functionality complete, there was still a need to actually compare the performance of...

Jeremy Andrews

The Ad Bard Network was conceived because I have a need for relevant, non-obnoxious advertisements on my website, . I have maintained KernelTrap for many years, as a hobby in my spare time, and as a way to stay involved in the open source world. I enjoy this hobby, but it requires a lot of time and commitment keeping the website updated every day. I've long dreamed of finding a way to make a...

Jeremy Andrews

With all the excitement surrounding cloud computing, and specifically Amazon's EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Beta service, I decided it was time to give it a try myself. Without much personal background in the new service, I found that there are an overwhelming number of pages talking about EC2, and even Drupal on EC2 , but didn't locate a simple guide to quickly get me up and running. Having now spent a few hours today learning...

Jeremy Andrews

We are honored to have received praise from Drupal founder Dries Buytaert, who said in his blog (emphasis added): It is not always easy to scale Drupal -- not because Drupal sucks, but simply because scaling the LAMP stack (including Drupal) takes no small amount of skill. [...] Either you can do all of the above yourself, or you outsource it to a company that knows how to do this for you. Both are non-trivial...