Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #26

In this article, we start implementing content model changes. Namely, we’ll migrate Drupal 7 nodes as Drupal 10 user and taxonomy term entities.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #25

In this follow-up to migrating files, we focus on migrating users and taxonomy terms. Key topics include preventing entity ID conflicts, handling watermarks, and decoupling content migrations from configuration migrations. We’ll also create migration scripts for both entities and explore stylistic tips for cleaner, more compact migration files.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #24

After discussing how to avoid entity ID conflicts in the previous article, we are finally ready to start migrating content. The first entity we will focus on is files, covering both public and private file migrations. We will share tips and hacks related to performance optimizations and discuss how to handle files hosted outside of Drupal.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #21

We executed the last field-related migrations in the previous article, but we are not done with field configuration yet! Back in article 17, we used the Migrate Skip Fields module to prevent the automatic migration from importing image and YouTube fields. Today, we will use Drupal recipes to create media types and manually add media reference fields where needed.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-To: # 19

Today, we're building on our previous work with field widget settings. We will cover migrating view modes, a prerequisite for migrating field groups and field formatter settings. We’ll then walk through migrating field groups. Field formatter settings will be addressed in our next article.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migrations How-To: #15

In the previous article, we began migrating configuration from Drupal 7 example site to our Drupal 10 instance, specifically content types. In today's article, we will continue with two more D7 entities: taxonomy vocabularies and field collections. The latter will be imported as Paragraphs in Drupal 10. Along the way, we will review the content model and the migration plan. This will help us determine what parts of the migration should be automated and what...

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-to: #11

Previously, we explored generating migrations using the Migrate Upgrade module and managing them with Migrate Plus. Today, we cover migration plugins from Drupal Core. The two main methods differ in file patterns, locations, and change detection. Learn how to organize your code effectively and customize your approach for optimal results. This article is packed with practical tips and insights to make your migration smoother and more efficient. Get ahead of the curve – read our...

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-to: #10

In the previous article we performed an automated migration via the administration interface with tools provided by Drupal core out of the box. This gave us the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the different modules that assist with the task, settings that affect the migration, and the results when there are no customizations in place.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How-to: #8

Now that we have covered how to prepare for a migration, let’s put that knowledge into practice. In this article we introduce the example project: a Drupal 7 site that we will be migrating to Drupal 10. After providing an overview of project setup, we will perform an audit of the Drupal 7 site and draft a migration plan to Drupal 10.

Mauricio Dinarte

Migration How To: #07
Today, we will take a step back from reviewing the Migrate API. Instead, we will have an overview of content and configuration entities in Drupal 10. This is important for two reasons.